My second project was derived from the first one. The empty circles cut out of the felt spoke to me about the inevitable modernisation of Mongolian life; how the traditional Ger is being replaced by modern houses and apartments. This felt piece was purchased at the market and it was used, that is, it was once a ger covering. I hung it on the rocks as a temporary installation and then i had an artist, Megumi Shimizu wear it as a sort of house/cape. Megumi is a performance artist and she participated in several artist’s pieces on top of her own work. I want to thank her for her enthusiasm and patience.
I also went back to my first site up in the valley and played with the leftover pieces of dyed felt i had and created pieces that looked to me like boots, so i placed them in pairs and had them “walking” over the stone. The troops of Ghengis Khan marching over the land, conquering all…
- Modern Mongolian Far away view of the felt hung on the stones. It was visible from quite far away.
- Modern Mongolian Installation I had intended to dye this felt black or red but i ran out of time.
- Modern Mongolian Woman Close up of Megumi performing with the felt at sunset.
- Modern Mongolian Woman She is wearing her Ger, her house, full of holes, part nomad, dragging it over the Steppe towards the city.
- Modern Mongolian Woman She is wearing her Ger, her house, full of holes, part nomad, dragging it over the Steppe towards the city.
- Felt forms I was playing with the arrangement of the felt forms
- G K’s footstep The felt pieces were tied together with nails to create tubular type forms, when the bottom was curled out they stood up. I had to work fast as the sun was setting and i had to allow enough time to walk back to the camp.
- 2 by 2 the inner space of the forms was very interesting to me also
- Felt boot detail i hope that some sheep herder will find these and use them for making himself a pair of boots!