View - Large ice text on the shore of cold and blustery Lake Ontario. View questions how we look at the landscape; how nature becomes a commodity.
View - Large ice text on the shore of cold and blustery Lake Ontario. View questions how we look at the landscape; how nature becomes a commodity.
View Crew - Wooden form installed on dock. Water from the lake is pumped in with a submersible pump powered by an old generator.
View Crew - Wooden form installed on dock. Water from the lake is pumped in with a submersible pump powered by an old generator.
DeepFreeze - Forms filled with water are left to freeze for 2 weeks. High winds on the lake make the project difficult.
DeepFreeze - Forms filled with water are left to freeze for 2 weeks. High winds on the lake make the project difficult.
View, Moon - The installation looks small when compared to the immensity of the landscape.
View, Moon - The installation looks small when compared to the immensity of the landscape.
View, Storm - The shoreline changed on a daily basis during this month-long project.
View, Storm - The shoreline changed on a daily basis during this month-long project.
View, Column Melt - Filling the forms at different times created striations in the ice, which become more apparent as it melts.
View, Column Melt - Filling the forms at different times created striations in the ice, which become more apparent as it melts.
View, Camera - Hasselblad camera malfunctioned several times because of the extreme temperatures.
View, Camera - Hasselblad camera malfunctioned several times because of the extreme temperatures.
The Truth - Landscape view, accentuating the trees.
The Truth - Landscape view, accentuating the trees.
Second Truth - Historical lighthouse where a grisly murder was committed years ago.
Second Truth - Historical lighthouse where a grisly murder was committed years ago.
Third Truth - Looking north, the CN tower looms in the background. The city is not far away.
Third Truth - Looking north, the CN tower looms in the background. The city is not far away.
Desire - Land by the water is always desirable.
Desire - Land by the water is always desirable.
Big City Desires - Night shot with the city lights glowing in the background.
Big City Desires - Night shot with the city lights glowing in the background.
The Silence - The landscape is neither silent or peaceful. Note the large whitecaps on the water.
The Silence - The landscape is neither silent or peaceful. Note the large whitecaps on the water.
Reason - An ode to Joyce Wieland's quilt "Reason over Passion", the first thought provoking artwork I experienced at the National Gallery in the early 1970s.
Reason - An ode to Joyce Wieland's quilt "Reason over Passion", the first thought provoking artwork I experienced at the National Gallery in the early 1970s.
Flux - All is flux. Ice demonstrates the constance of change in nature.
Flux - All is flux. Ice demonstrates the constance of change in nature.
X - After 3 days the color in the ice melts away.
X - After 3 days the color in the ice melts away.
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