These fashionistas have turned to artists to create their outfits as the design houses have all but vanished.
These fashionistas have turned to artists to create their outfits as the design houses have all but vanished.
Walking in desert section of the Fullerton Arboretum at night, I chanced upon a Night-blooming cereus, which only opens by nightfall and is wilted by dawn.
Walking in desert section of the Fullerton Arboretum at night, I chanced upon a Night-blooming cereus, which only opens by nightfall and is wilted by dawn.
Light painting of myself in front of an enormous cactus by moonlight.
Light painting of myself in front of an enormous cactus by moonlight.
Five-inch long bright yellow thorns of the Palm leaf are used as pins and orange Dracaena sheaths make up a not so billowy shirt flounce.
Five-inch long bright yellow thorns of the Palm leaf are used as pins and orange Dracaena sheaths make up a not so billowy shirt flounce.
The Dracaena Dress installed in the desert section. To the far left is the Dracaena Draco tree from which the leaves were gathered.
The Dracaena Dress installed in the desert section. To the far left is the Dracaena Draco tree from which the leaves were gathered.
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