Laurel Suffragette

In September 2011, Laurel Suffragette was created  and conceived as a character coming from the late Victorian age, who had been active in the emancipation of women and the garment industry of her day, who had fought for reforms and safety in the manufacture area.  Miss Laurel Green-Fairfashion was curious to see how the future had turned out, so she  took a stroll down Robsonstrasse, Vancouver’s fashion district, to see what shoppers had to say regarding eco-fashion. The interventions varied from long one on one conversations, to people ignoring her because they suspected she was selling something, to having her picture taken with babies, to engaging …

Maple Flapper Jumper

The Maple Flapper Jumper symbolizes hope for new beginnings. Fresh off the boat and in honour of her new Canadian home, she wears a dress of Sycamore Maple Tree Seeds, which resembles the liberated woman of the 1920’s. Emancipated from the Victorian corset  and with her unincombered boyish bob, she is now able to move freely and make her mark in this new port. As a young entrepreneur, will she open a garment factory  that pays a living wage to its workers, or will she become disillusioned and turn it into a sweatshop? Her future is still a mystery but she …

The Mobile Garden Dress

The Mobile Garden Dress is a self-sustaining garden and shelter for the new urban nomad, complete with pots of edible plants and a hoop skirt which converts into a tent at night. This garment is 100% compostable and recyclable. It is contrusted from natural materials such as Willow, basketry reed, grasses and leaves. The hoop skirt is covered in pots containing live edible plants such as herbs and vegetables. The dress advocates for an autonomous and democratic urban lifestyle based on self-sufficiency. During the day, Madame Jardin interacts with people and engages them in conversations about plants, gardens and composting. At night she …

Stop and smell the flowers

The Lilac Swing Coat is a new addition to my Weedrobes Collection. It reminds us that the olfactory senses are a basic element in nature used by plants, animals and mammals alike. Here there is no need for manufactured artificial scent, the redolent flower itself entices our nostrils. On the day of the photo-shoot in front of the historic Marine Building, passersby stopped and took in the garment’s aroma. This manteau parfumé of fresh scented Lilac flowers epitomizes the perfume industry, in particular the seductive ads of Chanel No 5 featuring Catherine Deneuve who stood for luxury and sophistication. The coat …

IceShifts Feb 2011

I have been continuing my exploration of frozen garments in blocks of ice. This new piece is a turning point for me where I have begun to incorporate plant materials into the mix. Julie Taymor’s scene of Lavinia in her film Titus has stayed with me for a long time; her hands cut off and turned into branches. In my artwork though, the organic elements symbolize a redemption of sorts, where nature regenerates itself and life continues despite tragedy.


A recent unexpected cold snap in Vancouver BC gave me the opportunity to try out some new work that I have been thinking of for several years now. This is the beginning of a new series entitled Ice-Shifts, where I freeze deconstructed garments into blocks of ice and then photograph them. This is a further development of my previous pieces, Iceworks, where I began to randomly freeze clothing when the weather permitted. This winter i will continue this new series with the aid of my chest freezer and plan the composition and colour of each piece to create a cohesive series …