Horti-Culture. The etymology of Horticulture, from the Latin “hortus” meaning garden plus the word culture, embodies the history of man’s mark on nature.
Horti-Culture. The etymology of Horticulture, from the Latin “hortus” meaning garden plus the word culture, embodies the history of man’s mark on nature.
Seeds of Culture. Grass seeds planted in the letter-shaped wooden moulds.
Seeds of Culture. Grass seeds planted in the letter-shaped wooden moulds.
Fuzzy Culture. The edges are no longer crisp as the long grass tendrils cross over the lines of containment.
Fuzzy Culture. The edges are no longer crisp as the long grass tendrils cross over the lines of containment.
Fall of Culture. The grass begins to die back as the leaves turn color.
Fall of Culture. The grass begins to die back as the leaves turn color.
Dormant Culture. Unexpected snow cover until culture rises again.
Dormant Culture. Unexpected snow cover until culture rises again.
Truths And Roses Have Thorns About Them. Quote by Henry David Thoreau appropriate for the formal Rose garden.
Truths And Roses Have Thorns About Them. Quote by Henry David Thoreau appropriate for the formal Rose garden.
Leaf detail. The poetic French adage "Pas de rose sans épines" was installed in the adjacent rose bed.
Leaf detail. The poetic French adage "Pas de rose sans épines" was installed in the adjacent rose bed.
THOR. Leaves turn brown; the message remains.
THOR. Leaves turn brown; the message remains.
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