Madame Jardin wears an elaborate headpiece of edible flowers. Her bustier is woven with Tule, Cattail and basketry reed. The collar is made from Peruvian Chilies, Corn Husks and Coconut Pots with a dash of Cilantro.

The Mobile Garden Dress installed at the Children’s Festival. In the background hangs the Eco-Fashion Clothesline made by local children attending the festival.

The public interacts directly with the dress by watering and tasting the plants. These simple acts allow people to further engage in conversations about gardening, plants and food. Photo: E Stoner CA

A wide variety of plants are incorporated dependent on the season and the locale but usually include lettuces, cabbages, tomatoes, peppers and herbs.

Madame Jardin makes a salad from the ingredients in her dress and she often gets the public to help her pick the ingredients from her skirt.