Bathed in the red light of votive candles Flamenco Rose listens to the grace and authenticity of the Cante song before responding to the incantation with dance.
Bathed in the red light of votive candles Flamenco Rose listens to the grace and authenticity of the Cante song before responding to the incantation with dance.
Roses, thorns and Berginia leaves
Roses, thorns and Berginia leaves
She wears Calla Lilies in her hair and the traditional Peineta, a comb fabricated from Tortoise shell, is replaced with one made of stamped Magnolia leaves.
She wears Calla Lilies in her hair and the traditional Peineta, a comb fabricated from Tortoise shell, is replaced with one made of stamped Magnolia leaves.
The tender Yucca blossoms in the flounce of her skirt fall as she stamps her feet.
The tender Yucca blossoms in the flounce of her skirt fall as she stamps her feet.
The rose is no longer just a symbol but now worn directly on the chest and in her fan, it acts as a link to the ferocious mother earth that ignites her movement.
The rose is no longer just a symbol but now worn directly on the chest and in her fan, it acts as a link to the ferocious mother earth that ignites her movement.
The carpet of flowers at her feet embodies the sweat and tears that poured from her dance.
The carpet of flowers at her feet embodies the sweat and tears that poured from her dance.
The next phase of the dance is one with the elements.
The next phase of the dance is one with the elements.
The vivacity of the red bloom gives way to a tender wistful pink.
The vivacity of the red bloom gives way to a tender wistful pink.
The piercing thorn will survive long after the plant material decomposes.
The piercing thorn will survive long after the plant material decomposes.
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