Myrtle - Photograph of Eucalyptus flowers (Myrtaceae), Poplar leaves (Salicaceae), Staghorn leaves, fabric, ice.

Alectra - Photograph of Goats Beard Moss (Alectoria), Pitcher Plant flowers (Sarraceniaceae), Ivy, fabric, ice.
IceShifts is a series of photographs consisting of garments and botanicals frozen into large blocks of ice. Heads, hands and reproductive organs are substituted with plant materials and each title relates to a women’s name derived from a plant. Though it may have been a Victorian conceit to name girls after pretty flowers, here the plants signify a more rooted relationship to the biological environment. This work is also inspired by a scene in July Taymor’s film adaptation of Titus where she portrays Lavinia as a hybrid woman-tree figure. Like Lavinia and her Greek counterparts Daphne and the Dryads, the IceShifts series depict a modern interpretation of a spring nymph emerging from her ice chamber.